We are now meeting in a variety of formats. Please see the diary below for the latest updates. Do check back regularly for any changes.
All meetings are at 10.30am, at Common Ground, unless otherwise stated.
Theme: The Gospel
30/3 Social (Common Ground)
6/4 Worship, breaking bread
13/4 God's Gang, Gospel Theme
20/4 All Age
4/5 Worship, breaking bread
11/5 God's Gang, Gospel Theme
18/5 Forest Church*
1/6 Worship, breaking bread
8/6 God's Gang, Gospel Theme
15/6 All Age
29/6 tbc
6/7 Worship, breaking bread
13/7 God's Gang Gospel Theme
20/7 Forest Church*
*Venue to be confirmed
27/7 Start of summer programme
To find out about cells and themes please contact the cell or theme group leaders or use the contact form.
To find out about prayer and prophecy please speak to one of the leaders or use the contact form.
We have 4 dates for prophetic appointments in the coming months. February is fully booked, but there are slots available on the following dates:
April 16th
May 14th
June 18th
Contact us if you are interested.